Diversity and Inclusion for All Gambians


The GDC conceptualised a fairer society where everyone can participate in all the political, economic, and social lives, and can fulfil their potential. Recognise and value our sub-cultural differences that should create a universal culture and practice for everyone’s benefit with social justice and diversity, and inclusive society that every Gambian and resident is proud.


To foster a good relationship between Gambians rising to the common national culture while tolerating moral and ethical subcultures embedded in regions, ethnicity, and religions. To develop a system of equal opportunities based on merit. Empowerment of the marginalised groups such as youth, women, people with disabilities and elderly people. Promotion of cross-cultural tolerance in partnership with National Assembly, Local Authorities, Civic Societies Organisations, Community groups, Press and Media freedom and Citizen participation through a bottom up approach.


GDC’s Policy is geared towards delivering diversity and equality to all irrespective of their age, gender, race, ethnicity, disability, religion and other beliefs, marriage and civil partnership and social class. The GDC opposes all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination and exclusion. Hence, we will review all forms of Acts associated with inclusion and diversity, including Women’s Acts, Children’s Act, Labour Act, Discrimination Act, Mental Capacity Act enact the draft Disability Act and propose a new Mental Health Act. Review the Equality Act in the Gambia in line with best practices around the world.


  • All citizens and residents of the Gambia to be recognised within a national record system.
  • Identify the needs of different groups of people and provide the legal, physical, and emotional measures to support them
  • Support Low income earners to enjoy benefits that encourage their participation in local services
  • Accessibility with mobility, communication, cultural and institutional practices for people with different needs to participate fully in whatever is being offered.
  • Ensure the vulnerable people are not marginalised or labelled by support needs. They would be supported by the welfare system in accordance with the Gambia Constitution.
  • Demystify cultures and processes in public places for people to develop open and progressive practices.
  • Develop a compulsory cross-cultural curriculum in the education system, with training for the Civil and Public Service to help change attitudes and beliefs for tolerance.
  • All Gambians to live in safe communities of their choice, wherever possible with accommodation and services that address issues of inequality and cultural diversity.